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Property Manager

Sara Thomson

If Property Management was a game of football then Sara would be Ronaldo and as a landlord you’ll always want her on your squad. As with all our staff, Sara has many years’ experience in the industry but beyond that she has a level of confidence in her job and a focus to get things done right that we all admire. Her knowledge of boiler repairs and plumbing would shame many contractors. After learning the lettings business at a leading large Surrey estate agency the desire to work for a more customer/client focused firm offering a bespoke personal service lead her to Martin & Wheatley. Living in Walton and Weybridge for many years Sara has just the kind of local knowledge that we as a team and company value. When she isn’t skiing, walking her Cockapoo Becky or gardening, Sara is bringing a sense of order to the office with her seemingly unflappable nature.
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