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Lettings Consultant

Lauren Howe

Continuing our theme of only employing highly experienced staff, Lauren is no exception. Having had 17 years in the industry locally and the last 7 years at branch manager level of a leading estate agent, we were delighted to welcome Lauren on board to expand our business and help with all aspects of compliance and the day-to-day smooth running of the business. Lauren knows the Cobham market particularly well and her knowledge base is hard to beat. Her approach is that of good old fashioned customer service, pro-active thinking and a pride in doing the job right…a winning formula. Lauren has a very full family life with husband, 2 young children, Wilf the Dachshund and Aslan the cat (notice we remember the pets names!). How do you keep that lot in occupied; lots of outdoor adventures, exploring, dog walks and plenty of laughter. Lauren is a truly positive spirit in our office and a real team player.
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